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The most comprehensive dive related
encyclopedia yet published!
"Diving Helmets and Equipment through the ages" by Master Diver Anthony Pardoe. 2 volumes in exclusive slipcase. Published 2012, 470 pages.
Click here for prices and more info! |
Original edition of THE DAILY MIRROR dated Tuesday April 16, 1912. No 2645. Focusing on the TITANIC disaster and stating "that all passengers are safe and have been taken off while the helpless giant being towed by the Allan liner VIRGINIAN, proceding to Halifax (Nova Scotia)."
Richly illustrated, 16 pages
Size: 30*40cm |
The Wall Chart of the TITANIC by Tom McCluskie. Pulls out to over 15 feet in length incl full color rigging and deck plans, survivor details, full crew list, minute-by-minute timeline - the complete story with over 100 photographs, many previously unseen. Incl 15 pages with The Official TITANIC Story.
Size: 31*45cm, hardcover |
Letters from the TITANIC by Claes-Göran Wetterholm. Surviving letters and postcards written prior to the Titanic's departure, during her short trip and after the disaster. Booklet published for the 2001 Stockholm Postal Museum exhibition, 23 pages.
Size: 30*21cm Also available in Swedish! |
The Swedish Lloyd 1869-1969. The first 100 years of history, booklet by Ture Rinman incl many photographs.
Published in 1969, 47 pages
Size: 24,5*18cm |
Lloyd's register of yachts
A number of gilt-edged volumes dated between 1923-36
A number of volumes (without gilt-edge) dated between 1947-68 |
Lloyd's register of ships
A number of volumes dated between
1925-75. |
"Det Norske Veritas" register of ships
A number of volumes dated between 1954-71
Sold! |
Swedish American Line (SAL) booklet. Illustrating interiors from the motorliners KUNGSHOLM and GRIPSHOLM.
Published in 1929, 32 pages
Size: 28*21cm |
Skandinavien-Amerika Linien booklet.
Incl general information and illustrations.
Published in 1916, 63 pages
Size: 13*18cm |
Sold! |
R.M.S. QUEEN MARY. Cunard White Star publication with large illustrations and "a noble tribute to the imagination of man."
Published in 1934, 42 pages
Size: 27*33cm |
Launch of Cunard White Star liner R.M.S. QUEEN MARY. Booklet published for the naming ceremony performed by Her Majesty The Queen on Wednesday September 26, 1934. Incl photos, illustrations and documentary information.
30 pages
Size: 27*34cm |
Sold! |
United States Lines. Information and illustrations from the steamships GEORGE WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, PRESIDENT HARDING, AMERICA and REPUBLIC. Early 20th century, 32 pages
Size: 20*26cm |
S.S. LIBERTÉ of the French Line/Cie Générale Transatlantique. Booklet rich in illustrations and incl documentary facts. Published in the 1930's, 34 pages
Size: 21*27cm |
Sold! |
Late 19th century folding booklet containing nationality flags, signal flags etc. 17 pages
Size: 15*22cm |
Flygplankryssaren GOTLANDS sjösättning. Invitation cards and festivity program for the launch of the Swedish aircraft carrier GOTLAND on September 14, 1933 (2 folders & 1 card) |
Sold! |
Sold! |
Hamburg-American Line. "Girdling the globe", around the world on the ocean steamer S.S. PRINZESSIN VICTORIA LUISE. Illustrating and describing exotic destinations. Published in 1904, 80 pages
Size: 14*19cm |
Le Paquebot NORMANDIE of the French Line/Cie Générale Transatlantique. Rich in illustrations and incl documentary facts. Published in 1935, 96 pages
Size: 28*38cm |
L'illustration le Paquebot NORMANDIE of the French Line/Cie Générale Transatlantique. Rich in illustrations and incl documentary facts. Published in 1935, 130 pages
Size: 28*38cm |
Paquebot PARIS of the French Line/Cie Générale Transatlantique. Booklet containing 12 detachable postcards depicting the vessels interior. Early 20th century, 12 pages
Size: 15*9cm |
"Svensk-Amerikanska utställningen 1938". Booklet published for the Swedish-American Exhibition in 1938. Organised by "Riksföreningen för svenskhetens bevarande i utlandet och Sjöfartsmuseet i Göteborg." 85 pages
Size: 13*19cm |
"Dag Mist och Natt Signaler till Sjös och i Hamn för Kongl. Maj:ts Örlogs-Flotta. Tryckt i Kongl. Amiralitets-Boktryckeriet, 1807 (Carlskrona)". Decree and instructions for day and night signals. For the Royal Swedish Navy, printed in 1807. 142 pages (not bound) |
Suggested alterations, declared by the well-known naval architect Frederic Chapman, for the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on July 25th 1770. Printed in Stockholm 1770, 28 pages
Size: ca 22*15cm |
An Act held at Westminster Parliament on May 8th 1661, regarding maritime-related commercial trade. "An Act directing the Prosecution of such as are Accomptable for Prize Goods."
Printed in London 1662, 6 pages
Size: ca 28*17cm |
An Act held at Westminster Parliament on April 25th 1660, regarding encouraging and increasing of shipping and navigation.
Printed in London 1660, 17 pages
Size: ca 28*18cm |
An Act held at Westminster Parliament on December 5th 1743, based on previous sessions held 1741, regarding "better Encouragement of Seamen in His Majesty's Service, and Privateers, to annoy the Enemy".
Printed in London 1744, 16 pages
Size: ca 34*21cm |
An Act held at Westminster Parliament on November 27th 1744, based on previous sessions held 1741, regarding piracy and robbery at sea.
Printed in London 1745, 4 pages
Size: ca 32*20cm |
An Act held at Westminster Parliament on November 23rd 1758, based on previous sessions held 1754, regarding "the Encouragement of Seaman, and the more speedy and effectual Manning His Majesty's Navy; and for the better Prevention of Piracies and Robberies by Crews of Private Ships of War."
Printed in London 1759, 13 pages
Size: ca 30*20cm |
An Act held at Westminster Parliament on October 19th 1721, based on previous sessions held 1714, regarding "the more effectual Suppressing of Piracy."
Printed in London 1722, 5 pages
Size: ca 28*19cm |
List of 63 steamships of the Swedish shipping company "Rederi Aktiebolaget Svea". Incl sold and lost vessels. |
List of vessels built at "Stora Warfvets Mek. Verkstad" between 1872-1905 (number 74-260), 6 pages |
Embarkation certificate for 24 year old able seaman J. D. Berglund, dated October 6th 1848
Size: 22*17cm (incl frame) |
Illustrated 19th century booklet including 44 documentary views along the "Göta Kanal", the waterway between the east and west coast of Sweden (Stockholm to Gothenburg)
Size: 25*11cm
Brochure presenting the 1929 "Göta Canal" Cruise, the waterway between the east and west coast of Sweden (Stockholm to Gothenburg). By the Göta Kanal Steamship Company.
Size: 10*24cm |
Sold! |
Sold! |
"Förslag till en Svea Kanal af C. C. Engström, Kommendör i Kungl. Flottans Reserv." Booklet regarding a proposal for building a canal in Sweden. Containing descriptions, maps and drawings. Published in 1908, 56 pages + documents
Size: 24*32cm |
"Till minne av sjökrigets offer." In memoriam of Swedish naval war victims between 1914 and 1925. Published in 1934, 24 pages
Size: 18*25cm |
The R.M.S. BERENGARIA. Cunard White Star publication. Incl photos of the interior, illustrations and documentary information. Published in the 1920's, 24 pages
Size: 28*20cm |
White Star Liner MAJESTIC, the world's largest liner. Folded leaflet depicting scenes in the third class. Early 20th century.
Size: 10*23cm |
Sold! |
"Svenska Lloyd presenterar Nordsjöns största och modernaste passagerarfartyg PATRICIA." Brochure presenting Swedish Lloyds passenger ferry PATRICIA, the largest vessel sailing the North Sea.
Published in 1951, 12 pages
Size: 11*30cm |
The New Seaman's Guide and Coaster's Companion
Published in 1825, 340 pages (linenbound)
Size: 21*13cm |
"Schiffbau und Schiffahrt." German literature on shipbuilding and shipping activity. 28 volumes dated between 1902-1930.
1902-1908 Sold!
"Tidsskrift i sjöväsendet." Swedish naval literature. 39 volumes dated between 1836-1896. |
"Till Rors med segel och motor." The Swedish magazine on sailing and motoring. A number of bound volumes covering the 1950's. |
"Svensk Sjöfarts Tidning." The Swedish Shipping Gazette. Bound volumes dated between 1919-1968.
1919-1941 & 1959-68 = Sold!
Sold! |
"Nordisches Kursbuch und Reiseführer", Touristguide incl maps & timetables for journeys to Scandinavia. In German, published 1906. 216 pages |
"Sjölif", translation of "The story of the sea". Incl more than 200 illustrations and the Swedish nautical glossary. Published 1898, 770 pages |
Germanischer Lloyd (German Lloyd) classifications and instructions for building and equipping wooden and "Composit-Schiffen". Published in Berlin January 1, 1898. 87 pages. |
Swedish Lloyd Brochure
The Swedish Lloyd passenger ships M/S Saga, S/S Suecia and S/S Britannia's voyages between London and Gothenburg March to September 1947. Informative brochure illustrated with phographs, route map, folding accomodation plan etc. 18 pages.
Size: 21x10,5cm |
Scandinavie 1837 par Whitelock
"Scandinavie 1837 par Whitelock", original informative map of Scandinavia published by Whitelock 1837. Linen-bound, folded, partly miscoloured. Incl original slip-case.
Overall Size: 93x67cm, 31x23 (slip-case) |
Nauticus 1943
"Nauticus 1943" published in Berlin 1943. 400 pages. Richly illustrated with many authentic photos, incl "Seekriegs-Übersichtskarte"/ overview map of war at sea.
Nauticus 1941, 1942 & 1944
"Nauticus 1941, 1942 & 1944 " published in Berlin. Richly illustrated with many authentic photos. |
"Svenska Flottans bok av Herman Wrangel, Kapten vid Kungliga Flottan"
The book of Swedish Navy by Herman Wrangel, Captain of the Royal Swedish Navy. Published in Stockholm 1898, richly illustrated. 467 pages.