We list a variety of rare and unique Marine Paintings in oil and water-colour, Ship Portraits, Wool-work and Silk-work Pictures, Seascapes and Glass Paintings. We also stock Engravings, Etchings and Drawings as well as numerous historical Photographs, Posters and Prints etc.
Furthermore, you will find a limited selection of unframed newly-made quality posters based on historical maritime oil paintings as well as library-posters etc.
Motif: German 4-masted barque being towed into harbour. Chandler and agent approaching on starboard side.
Artist: Signed Alfred Jensen Prof.
Type: Early 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 130x92cm

Motif: 4-masted barque with assisting tug boat arriving on a summer day at a harbour on the island Rügen in the Baltic Sea.
Artist: Signed W. Tiedjen 24 (Willy Tiedjen)
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 112x95cm

Motif: Swedish America Liner KUNGSHOLM approaching Gothenburg archipelago.
Artist: Signed K.D. (initials for Karl Reinhold Dahlqvist)
Type: 20th century oil on panel.
Overall Size: 107x75cm

Motif: Sailing ships with fair wind in the Strait of Öresund and with the well-known landmark Elsinor Castle.
Artist: Signed W. Bille (Willy Bille)
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 114x84cm
Motif: 3-masted barque off the coast in dangerous
being warned by local fishermen.
Artist: Signed Joh. Neumann (Johan Jens Neumann)
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 84x61cm

Motif: Sailing ships off the coast before sunset.
Artist: Signed J.D. Liddell.
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 58x43cm

Motif: German battle ship seizing a Swedish cargo boat.
Artist: Signed Gerhard Albe
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 77x67cm

Motif: Swedish coast guard vessel and sailing boats off the coast.
Artist: Signed Gerhard Albe 1918
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 128x93cm

Motif: Battle ship maneuvers in open waters.
Artist: Signed A. Collil 1922
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 122x71cm

Motif: Battle ship maneuvers with Sweden’s only aircraft-carrier GOTLAND.
Artist: Signed Titus Wikström 36
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 131x77cm

Motif: Swedish battle ship firing one of her cannons.
Artist: Signed G. Rosenblad 1902
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 105x76cm
Motif: Sailing ships in very rough sea.
Artist: Signed H. Sattler 1846 (Hubert Sattler)
Type: 19th century oil on wooden panel.
Overall Size: 84x65cm

Motif: Swedish steam-freighter off the coast.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 20th century oil on wooden panel (table top).
Overall Size: Overall diameter 43cm
Motif: Danish, Russian and German frigates in rough sea.
Artist: Signed J.P. 1845 (Jacob Petersen)
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 116x88cm
Motif: Ship portrait depicting ROSA fr. Figeholm,
förd af Kapten Oskar Sjögren.
Artist: Signed Otto Jansson
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 68x53cm

Motif: The Swedish four-masted barque OCEAN ploughing deep-sea waters.
Artist: Illegible signed
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 148x104cm

Motif: Ship portrait depicting the brig CHARLOTTE. Incl ship history and documentation regarding 19th century emigration to America.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 60x48cm

Motif: Tug-boat VIKING towing two costal freighters.
Artist: Signed T.S. (Tor Schüssler)
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 86x61cm
Motif: Ship portrait depicting the Swedish cargo vessel SILKEN.
Artist: Signed Ed. Edler
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 90x70cm
Motif: Ship portrait depicting the Swedish sail training vessel G.D. KENNEDY in full sail. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Titus Wikström 70
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 69x47cm

Motif: Ship portrait depicting the Swedish sail training vessel ABRAHAM RYDBERG 3 in full sail.
Artist:Signed Titus Wikström 70
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 73x59cm

Motif: Ship portrait depicting the Gotland ferry KLINTEHAMN.
Artist: Illegible signed 86
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 101x82cm

Motif: Paddle steamers in heavy sea.
Artist: Illegible signed.
Type: 19th century oil on canvas mounted on board.
Overall Size: 104x65cm
Motif: The East Indiaman GÖTHEBORG loading tea in the Wampoa Roads in 1744.
Artist: Signed Smitheman (S. Francis Smitheman)
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 125x89cm
Also available as poster, please click here!
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Motif: The Swedish royal ship VASA 1628.
Artist: Signed Smitheman (S. Francis Smitheman)
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 125x89cm
Also available as poster, please click here!
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Motif: The Swedish Royal Ship KRONAN engaged in the battle of Öland against the Danish and Dutch fleets in 1676.
Artist: Signed Smitheman (S. Francis Smitheman)
Type: 21st century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 153x109cm
Visit the artist's website
Motif: The Swedish royal ship KRONAN engaged in the battle against the Danish and Dutch fleets on May 26 1676.
Artist: Signed Smitheman (S. Francis Smitheman)
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 125x89cm
Also available as poster, please click here!
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Motif: Depicting N.A.E. Nordenskiöld's expedition through the Northeast Passage 1878-1879.
Artist: Signed Smitheman (S. Francis Smitheman)
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Size: 153x109cm
Also available as poster, please click here!
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Motif: Fishermen in open boats in coastal waters.
Artist: Signed L. Richarde 1904.
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 140x88cm
Motif: Three-masted barque and German Emperor's Yacht HOHERNZOLLERN in the bay of Kiel.
Artist: Signed A. Bülow
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 120x90cm

Motif: The Swedish mail paddle steamer SVEA
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century ship portrait, oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 83x71cm
Motif: The British steam freighter REDRUTH heading for open waters.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 74x52cm
Motif: Stormy waters off the coast with distressed seamen expecting help from approaching rescue-boat.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 87x69cm
Motif: The Swedish steam freighter BANCO.
Artist: Signed J.H. Mohrmann 1905
Type: 20th century ship portrait, oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 106x67cm

Motif: The luxury cruiser-yacht STELLA POLARIS
in heavy sea.
Artist: Signed Adolf Bock 1955
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 113x78cm

Motif: The luxury cruiser-yacht STELLA POLARIS. Unframed.
Artist: Signed Adolf Bock 1953
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 100x70cm

Motif: Dutch sailing vessels off the coast.
Artist: Signed G. Chamhuis 1848
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 112x75cm

Motif: The Swedish survey vessel SVENSKSUND.
Artist: Signed S. Klingenstierna 1945
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 96x63cm

Motif: The Swedish passenger ship L. RUNEBERG together with Swedish battle-ships in open waters.
Artist: Signed A. Emanuel 1899
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 93x66cm

Motif: Danish fishermen at work.
Artist: Signed Carl Søderberg
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 110x78cm
Motif: Swedish steam freighter SUNE of Halmstad in heavy sea.
Artist: Signed Reuben Chappell-Goole
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 86x60cm
Motif: British paddle steamer and steam frigate in open waters.
Artist: Signed Johnston 1886
Type: 19th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 90x64cm

Motif: Harbour activity in Bremerhafen depicting the NDL liners COLUMBUS and MÜNCHEN together with other liners, tug boats and barges.
Artist: Signed Ricklefs
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 113x82cm

Motif: The sinking of a torpedoed freighter during WWII, observed by a few rescued crew members from their lifeboat.
Artist: Signed Emil Ekman 1942
Type: 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 104x72 cm
Motif: The Swedish 3-masted barque HALVAR.
Artist: Illegible signed
Type: 20th century ship portrait, oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 80x60cm

Motif: A three-masted barque in full sail flying the German and Hamburg flag.
Artist: Unsigned, Chinese school
Type: Late 19th century ship portrait, oil on paper and mounted on wooden panel.
Overall Size: 67x52cm
A pair of early 20th century oil on canvas. Commissioned for the Nottebohm Family, Hamburg. Sold!

Motif: Shipping activity in the Hamburg Harbour depicting paddle steamer, tug-boats towing the liner OSIRIS, a Danish fullrigged ship and the dry dock Blohm & Voss.
Artist: Signed Alfred Jensen 1902
Type: Early 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 245x84cm

Motif: Sailing yacht and local passenger steamers ploughing through Hamburgs Innen Alster.
Artist: Signed Alfred Jensen 1902
Type: Early 20th century oil on canvas.
Overall Size: 225x85cm
Motif: British sailing vessels in coastal waters
Artist: Signed J. Wilson
Type: Early 19th century oil on canvas
Overall Size: 72x55cm

Motif: Full rigged ship ploughing her way
Artist: Signed K.A.Y. Bengtsson
Type: Mid 20th century oil on canvas
Overall Size: 71x66cm
Motif: Sailing vessels trapped in arctic waters
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Early 20th century oil on canvas
Overall Size: 130x74cm

Motif: Swedish paddle steamer approaching shore in southern Sweden
Artist: Illegible signed, description on the reverse
Type: Late 19th century seascape, oil on panneau
Overall Size: 74x53cm