
Motif: "Sluppen MARIE tilhörende Kjöbmand Chr. H. Nielsen i Hjörring". Depicting the Danish sloop Marie of Løkken 1839 (from behind and from the side), owned by merchant Chr. H. Nielsen of Hjörring (Denmark).
Artist: Unsigned. Marked 1839.
Type: Early 19th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 67,5x53cm

Motif: "Jagten DE TVENDE BRÖDRE tilhörende Kjöbmand Chr. H. Nielsen". Depicting the Danish yacht De Tvende Brödre owned by merchant Chr. H. Nielsen.
Artist: Unsigned.
Type: Early 19th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 68x57cm
Motif: BARTIMEUS från Trelleborg, Capt. P. Danielsson
Artist: Signed L.P. Sjöström 1881 (Lars Petter Sjöström)
Type: 19th century ship portrait, watercolour
Overall Size: 91x66cm

Motif: ÖRESUND från Kjöbenhavn (illegible Capt. name), incl ship history. Danish paddle steamer ferry in full steam.
Artist: Signed L.P. Sjöström 1888 (Lars Petter Sjöström)
Type: 19th century ship portrait, watercolour
Overall Size: 86x60cm

Artist: Signed L.P. Sjöström 1873 (Lars Petter Sjöström)
Type: 19th century ship portrait, watercolour
Overall Size: 69x56cm

Motif: The White Star four-masted passenger and mail steamer OCEANIA built 1871.
Artist: Signed R.N.C.
Type: Late 19th century watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 75x63cm

Motif: G.D. KENNEDY Sail Training Ship off the Cape
Artist: Signed A.V. Gregory
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 70x51cm

Motif: C.B. PEDERSEN making Cape Horn
Artist: Signed A.V. Gregory 1935
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 72x52cm

Motif: British sailing vessel Cato - Montrose & Vulcano
Vesuvio (Naples, Italy) in full activity.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Mid 19th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 97x72cm |
Motif: VESTA von Flensburg, Capt. Hans Hansen 1815.
Artist: Unsigned.
Type: 19th century ship portrait, watercolour/pencil
Overall Size: 77x59cm

Motif: German gun-boat and submarine operating in the North Atlantic.
Artist: Signed Hans Peter Jürgens
Type: 20th century watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 84x65cm

Motif: The four-masted barque POTOSI and a German freighter in heavy waters off the coast.
Artist: Signed Hans Peter Jürgens
Type: 20th century watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 84x66cm

Motif: HAMMONIA, the first German ship making Cape Horn
Artist: Signed Hans Peter Jürgens
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 75x58cm

Motif: AZARIA, whaling in the Davis Strait
Artist: Signed Hans Peter Jürgens
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 78x60cm

Motif: Shipping activity in Hamburgs Harbour
Artist: Signed (Hans Peter) Jürgens
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 69x46cm

Motif: The Danish whaling barque FLORA in heavy arctic sea. Incl ships history.
Artist: Signed Hans Peter Jürgens
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 82x65cm

Motif: The 4-masted barque PRIWALL arrives at the River Elbe's mouth and receives tug-boat Adolf's assistance.
Artist: Signed Hans Peter Jürgens
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 84x67cm
Motif: E. PLURIBUS. UNUM. American eagle with crest and flags
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 77x64cm
Motif: BRÖDRAFOLKETS VÄL. Union Flags with National Coat of Arms
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 72x64cm

Motif: BRÖDRAFOLKETS VÄL. Union Flags and America Flags with National Coat of Arms
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 72x64cm
Motif: In Remembrance of my Cruise in China and Japan HMS AMPHITRITE 1902-1905.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 20th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 90x80cm
Motif: British needle work. Dieu. Et. Mon Droit
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Late 19th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 60x58cm
Motif: Victory for the Allies
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Early 20th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 64x61cm
Motif: Victory for the Allies in memory of the war 1914-18 (WWI)
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Early 20th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 64x54cm

Motif: "Alt for Norden" (Everything for the North),
Norwegian Naval Flags.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Early 20th century silk-work picture, gilded frame
Overall Size: 68x78cm

Motif: BRÖDRAFOLKETS VÄL. Union Flags and America Flags with National Coat of Arms
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 58x58cm
Motif: Swedish vessel HÖGANÄS från Malmö, Captain J. Vikström. Owned by Hillerström Shipping. Incl ships history.
Artist: Signed J.A. Nilsson 1916
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 74x57cm
Motif: Silk Picture depicting the sailing vessel ILMA af Kristiania, Capt. H. Jacobsen. Flying the Norwegian/Swedish Union Flag.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century silk-work picture
Overall Size: 102x72cm

Motif: Ship portrait depicting the German freighter DEIKE RICKMERS
Artist: Signed Uwe Lütgen 88
Type: 20th century glass painting
Overall Size: 80x53cm

Motif: The sailing ship INTEGRITY "å vilken William Thorburn jämte hustru (Jessie Macfie) och 5 barn år 1823 emigrerade från Leith till Uddevalla".
Artist: David Thorburn, Skanskullen
Type: 19th century silk- and wood picture mounted on wooden panel.
Overall Size: 105x46cm |

Motif:The steam-ferry KOWCHOW
Artist: Signed Ba Gyan
Type: Early 20th century ship portrait, watercolour
Overall Size: 70x57cm

Motif: MADONNA af Väddö, Capt. P. Johansson, Ortala By. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 67x52cm

Motif: FÖRSÖK av Brantevik Capt. P.I. Norén
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 69x58cm
Motif: GUSTAFVA af Väddö, Capt. Jansson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 66x56cm
Motif: SAGA-Stockholm. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 65x52cm

Motif: TULE-Stockholm, Capt. E. Eriksson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 62x43cm
Motif: CONSTANCE af Gefle, Capt. C.P. Forsman 1872
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 56x41cm

Motif: CHARLES-Vätö. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 59x42cm

Motif: THE GARTHPOOL. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 61x51cm

Motif: ORÄDD-Häverö, Capt. E. Jansson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 41x28cm

Motif: MIMOSA-Stockholm. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 64x43cm |

Motif: BERNHARD-Tjockö, Capt. E.E. Norberg. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 61x45cm |

Motif: MAGNUS HUSS-Wätö, Capt. E. Mattsson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 60x45cm |

Motif: ANNA & META av Wätö, Capt. E. Jansson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 59x41cm |

Motif: HOPPET ex Mars-Väddö, Capt. C.P. Jansson. Incl ship history
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 70x50cm |

Motif: KARL MAGNUS af Wätö, Capt. O.E. Mattsson 1900.
Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 65x52cm |

Motif: VITALIS-Väddö, Capt. C. Henriksson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 65x47cm |

Motif: INDO af Norrtelje, Capt. A.V. Fröberg. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 68x55cm |

Motif: HILDUR av Råå, Capt. J.P. Olsson 1901. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 58x44cm |
Motif: AURORA av Nordmaling, Capt. C.P. Mattsson från Öregrund 1897. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 61x46cm |

Motif: FÖRENINGEN. Byggd i Gefle 1871, Byggmästare Björk. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 59x40cm |

Motif: EMIL-Vätö, Capt. A. Andersson 1902. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 65x49cm |

Motif: NORDEN-Norrtelje, Capt. A. Karlsson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 62x45cm |

Motif: MANHEM ex GEYSIR ex DAVID d'Angers-Sweden, Norway, Nantes. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 56x39cm |

Motif: SAGA av Framnäs-Stockholm, Capt. C. Silversparre. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 56x41cm |

Motif: GURLI av Göteborg. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 62x44cm |

Motif: INDIA-Vätö, Capt. J. Jansson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 70x57cm |
Motif: EMELIE av Norrtelje, Capt. Lindholm. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 71x52cm |

Motif: HENRIK af Haparanda.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 62x45cm |
Motif: SPEKULATION-Brantevik, Capt. O. Persson.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 60x53cm |

Motif: CURRY TREFFENBERG. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/pencil
Overall Size: 57x38cm |

Motif: IDUN-Häfverö, Capt. Svante Fröberg. Incl ship history and photo of crew members.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 66x50cm & 32x28cm

Motif: JUPITER-Wäddö, Capt. C.E. Olsson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: Diameter 28cm |

Motif: VENUS-Wätö, Capt. M. Sjöström. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: Diameter 28cm

Motif: ANNA TIEDE-Wätö, Capt. P.O. Eriksson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 78x66cm

Motif: WIIK-Väddö, Capt. A. Pettersson. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed Gustaf Fredriksson
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 66x52cm

Motif: The Danish PALLESEN af Thurø, Capt. J.E. Jensen. Incl 1919 financial annual report of Tall-ship Society Pallesen.
Artist: Signed Eugêne Grandin, Havre 1901
Type: Early 20th century ship portrait, watercolour
Overall Size: 52x39cm |

Artist: Unsigned
Type: 19th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 68x50cm
Motif: The ferry boat DJURGÅRDEN 2 and the full-rigger AF CHAPMAN on Stockholm's Ström.
Artist: Signed Sigurd Johansson '75
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 23x21cm |
Motif: The ferry boat DJURGÅRDEN 1on Stockholm's Ström.
Artist: Signed Sigurd Johansson '75
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 21x21cm |

Motif: Panamanian steam-freighter and Swedish sailing yacht in deep water.
Artist: Signed Sigurd Johansson '75
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 50x35cm |

Motif: Gaff-rigged sailing yacht meets steam-freighter on open sea.
Artist: Signed Sigurd Johansson '79
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 30,5 x27cm |

Motif: Depicting HMS Älvsnabben (Swedish Navy)
Artist: Signed C. Hägg - 83 (Christer Hägg 1983)
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 40 x35cm
Motif: The French barque PERSISTANT in full sail.
Artist: Signed Sigurd Johansson '74
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 29x19cm |

Motif: Depicting dramatic sea rescue operation of castaway
Artist: Signed Per Högberg
Type: Late 19th century watercolour
Overall Size: 92x62cm |

Motif: Schulschiff STEIN in full sail. Incl ship history.
Artist: Signed G. Martin 1908
Type: 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 75x62cm |

Motif: Gibraltar with British mail-steamer and sailing boats.
Artist: Signed R.H. Neville Cumming 1889
Type: 19th century watercolour
Overall Size: 78x58cm
Motif: The Danish vessel JORGEN LARSEN af Thurø in full sail.
Artist: Signed R. Chappell (Reuben Chappell) - Goole
Type: 20th century ship portrait, watercolour/gouache
Overall Size: 75x58cm

Motif: The British vessel RETURN in full sail.
Artist: Signed H. Percival 1883
Type: 19th century ship portrait, watercolour
Overall Size: 77x63cm

Motif: Pilot boat and steam frigate in rough sea.
Artist: Signed with the initials C.A.
Type: Early 20th century watercolour
Overall Size: 71x56cm

Motif: The steam-freighter EVEREST in rough sea.
Artist: Signed Anthony Luzzo, Painter of Venice, dated Genoa 1886
Type: Late 19th century watercolour
Overall Size: 75x49cm

Motif: The paddle steamer HOTSPUR racing White Star Lines fullrigged ship Dawpool.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Late 19th century watercolour
Overall Size: 71x45cm

Motif: The sailing vessel CONDOR in full sail, flying the Hamburg flag. With the inscription "Das Schiff Condor Captain C.J.H. Fedeler 1830.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Early 19th century watercolour
Overall Size: 70x56cm

Motif: Depicting the worst ever ship collision on the River Thames, cutting the paddle steamer PRINCESS ALICE in two parts.
Artist: Unsigned
Type: Early 20th century glass painting
Overall Size: 74x54cm
Motif: The British brig ROBERT & MARY in front of Altona, (Hamburg, Germany).
Notes on the back: "Robert + Mary" engl. Brig vor Altona, Aquarell 56,5 * 39cm, sign J. Hansen jr. Elbstr. 48 Altona. Beschr. im Band "Robert + Mary of Newcastle J Downie, Commander" ca 1835 in Original Biedermeierleiste.
Artist: Signed J. Hansen jr: Elbstrasse No 48 Altona
Type: Early 19th century “pen and wash technique” (old watercolour technique)
Overall Size: 61x 43,5cm

Motif: Depicting onboard life on a French Naval steam-frigate
Artist: Johannes Rabe 1859
Type: Mid 19th century watercolour
Overall Size: 45x57cm

Motif: Depicting a British mail-steamer
Artist: (A. Burroughs?))
Type: Late 19th century ship portrait, watercolour
Overall Size: 60x44cm